Saul Bellow and Sukarno

The former is a novelist, and the latter is a president--a former and the first President of Indonesia to be precise. So, what is the connection? No way I put the two names with the conjunction "and" in the title if there is no connection. So, I did find the connection between the two. It's not an intimate connection at all, certainly. I doubt the two people knew each other. But, certainly, Bellow knew Sukarno. How do I know? Because in his novel entitled Herzog that I am currently reading for my "Saul Bellow and Louise Erdrich" class, the name of this first president of Indonesia is mentioned, even though in passing. 

Here is the excerpt where Sukarno's name can be found:
"Through a Japanese trade mission she also met Mr. Nasser and Mr. Sukarno and the Secretary of State and the President." (172)
Bellow's narrator, Herzog, is talking about the life of Sono Ozuka, his Japanese lover. Sono is said to be involved with the UN, with a degree of participation that cannot be said to be really political. She merely handed flowers to the important figures, for instance. Well, what really interested me is the mentioning of Sukarno. I just realized how famous he was. The old saying that "Sukarno was feared by America," might be true after all. Considering his often association with (or his being associated frequently) with Communism, and the fact that he's a good orator who could melt the heart of his audiences, I don't really doubt the slogan. 

This novel was written first published in 1964. Sadly, the publication date actually marked the decline of Sukarno. A year later, he "handed" the presidency to Suharto through Supersemar--a highly debated historical incident that needs to be revisited and rewritten. Driven by curiosity, I googled Sukarno to know what exactly happened that year. Here's what I got:

September 17 U.N. Security Council votes 9-2 to condemn the Indonesian raids, but the Soviet Union vetoes the resolution.
October Sekretariat Bersama Golongan Karya or Sekber Golkar (Secretariat of Functional Groups) is founded by army interests.
Sukarno requests and receives from the Soviets a promise of new military equipment to help with the Konfrontasi campaign against Malaysia.
October 17 Nuclear research reactor at Bandung produces its first chain reaction.
Army shakeup reduces prestige of Omar Dhani, transfers best troops to Suharto.
November PKI establishes secret bureau to coordinate infiltration of army units.
Sukarno travels to China for secret meetings.

I realized then how influential Sukarno back then that he was remembered by Saul Bellow. His existence was a threat for those who were against Communism, including the United States--and consequently, the UN. I am not really into politics; however, I do feel the pride for having Sukarno as the first President of Indonesia. He had his own stance and held tightly onto that. He was feared, instead of feared other political powers. 

His mentioning, even though in passing, really motivated me to finish reading the novel. I finished this thick novel in two days! We'll see what will pop up about Indonesia in Bellow's other novels and short stories. 


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